Western Indian Ocean Early Career Scientists Network

11Ceica Alfredo Chioze - western-indian-ccean-early-career-scientists-network-WIO-ECSN

Miss Ceiça Alfredo Chioze

WIO-ECSN Country Coordinator (Mozambique)

Miss Ceiça Alfredo Chiozeis the WIO ECSN Country Coordinator for Mozambique. She is BSc in Marine Aquatic and Coastal Biology in Eduardo Mondlane University (2014), MSc in Managing and Conservation of Biodiversity in Eduardo Mondlane University (2018/2019) and she is preparing MSc in Biological Oceanography in Nelson Mandela University. The areas of specialization are Marine, Aquatic and Coastal Biology and Biological Oceanography. She is researcher in National Institute of Fisheries Research of Mozambique, since 2015.Her experiences in the field of marine science are related with (i) Semi-industrial and industrial line fishing Monitoring, (ii) Industrial Tuna Fishing Monitoring, (iii) Databases Management, (iv)Scientific Cruises Planning, (v) Marine and Coastal Environmental Impact Assessment and (vi) Biological Oceanography.

During the time of leadership in WIO-ECSN she would like to increase the network of Mozambicans scientists in early career at WIO-ECSN, so that they can share their experiences, research and knowledge of marine sciences.
She think that other people join the WIO-ECS Network simply because no one learns alone. Networking is the process of establishing links between people with the intent to promote communication for mutual benefit. Today, few aspects of science are done in isolation, and many projects are conducted in collaboration with researchers from other disciplines, and new ideas are often generated by conversations with other scientists. Teamwork, exchange of experiences is very important in our area (marine science), as it will allow us to develop skills and knowledge with future generations of interdisciplinary marine scientists to shape research in the WIO region.
For all scientists in early career she advise to believe in your dreams. The marine science is still an area with many challenges. We must exploit our skills the maximum we can, for the development of science in our countries.

Cellphone: +258 844866658

WhatsApp: +258 825711812

Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/ceica.chioze (Ceiça Chioze)


Linkedin – https://linkedin.com/ceiça-chioze

Skype – ceica.chiz