Western Indian Ocean Early Career Scientists Network

WIO-ECSN executive committee appointed Rachel Thoms co-opted board and shares news from the field from Damaris Kinyua

Rachel Thoms

RACHEL THOMS, our co-opted member from the United States of America and an early career researcher in the ocean sciences. She works as a data scientist in the World Resources Institute in Washington, DC, holds a Bachelor of Science and is specialized in data science for marine conservation. She is interested in “data revolution” and bridging the data divide for ocean science for sustainable development. In March 2022, Rachel will begin a nine-month Fulbright Fellowship in Mozambique where she will partner with the Marine Megafauna Foundation and WIOECSN in Mozambique.


Damaris Kinyua

Damaris is currently a doctoral candidate in fisheries science, at the School of Pure and Applied Sciences at Pwani University, Kenya. Her doctoral research on “Characterizing billfish utilization, socio-economic pathways, and governance along the Kenyan coast” is focusing on building equal opportunity education and designing conservation projects that enhance faculty and student development.

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